Vajtswv Tej Lus Txhua Hnub: Vajtswv Tus Moj Yam thiab Qhov Nws Muaj thiab Nws Yog | Nqe Lus Uas Xaiv Tawm Los 261

October 14, 2020

Txhua yam hauv lub ntiaj teb no mas hloov pauv sai heev raws Tus Uas Muaj Hwj Chim Loj Kawg Nkaus tej kev xav thiab nyob hauv qab ntawm Nws tej kev saib xyuas. Tej uas tib neej yeej tsis tau hnov dua cia li tshwm plaws tuaj, hos tej uas tib neeg twb muaj los ntev lawm los cia li ploj ntais mus lawm. Tsis muaj leej twg muaj peev xwm paub txog Tus Uas Muaj Hwj Chim Loj Kawg Nkaus qhov chaw nyob, tsawg tshaj ntawd haj yam tsis muaj ib tug twg hnov txog Tus Uas Muaj Hwj Chim Loj Kawg Nkaus tus uas muab txoj sia lub hwj chim thiab txoj kev loj dav. Nws yog tus nyob siab tshaj txhua yam uas Nws pom yam uas tib neeg tsis pom. Nws zoo tshaj vim Nws yog tus uas raug tib neeg muab tso pov tseg tab sis tseem cawm tib neeg kom dim. Nws paub lub ntsiab ntawm txoj sia thiab txoj kev tuag, thiab ntau tshaj ntawd, Nws paub tias tej kev cai twg thiaj zoo rau kev tswj hwm tib neeg uas Nws tau tsim tseg. Nws yog lub hauv paus ntawm qhov tsim tau tib neeg muaj sia, thiab Nws yog tus Cawmseej uas tsa cov tib neeg tuag sawv rov qab los. Nws muab txoj kev tu siab los txo lub siab xyiv fab thiab muab txoj kev zoo siab los txhawb nqa lub siab muaj kev tu siab. Tag nrho tej no puas leej yog ua rau Nws tes hauj lwm, thiab ua kom mus raws li Nws lub hom phiaj.

Noob neej, tau yuam kev mus ntawm txoj sia uas Tus Uas Muaj Hwj Chim Loj Kawg Nkaus tau npaj tseg, tsis quav ntsej txog lub ntsiab ntawm txoj kev muaj sia nyob, tab sis mas ho ntshai rwg txoj kev tuag. Lawv tsis muaj kev pab los sis kev vam khom li, tab sis tseem tsis kam qi lawv ob lub qhov muag, thiab lawv yuam ntshis lawv tus kheej mus rau kev ua neej nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb uas muaj kev phem kev qias, lub cev nqaij daim tawv uas tsis paub dab tsi txog sab ntsuj plig. Koj ua lub neej nyob li no, tsis muaj kev vam, tsis txawv lwm tus yam tsis muaj hom phiaj dab tsi li. Tsuas yog Tus Uas Dawb Huv hauv txoj lus keeb kwm xwb thiaj yuav cawm cov neeg uas, quaj ntsuag uas tab tom raug kev txom nyem, tos ntsoov qhov Nws rov los. Txog rau tam sim no, txoj kev ntseeg no tseem tsis tau raug ras xeev hauv cov uas tsis muaj kev feeb meej. Li cas los xij, tib neeg tseem cia siab rau. Tus Uas Muaj Hwj Chim Loj Kawg Nkaus muaj kev khuv leej txog cov uas raug kev txom nyem hnyav; nyob rau tib lub sij hawm no, Nws dhuav cov neeg uas tsis muaj kev feeb meej, rau qhov Nws tau tos lo lus teb los ntawm noob neej los ntev lawm. Nws xav nrhiav koj lub siab thiab koj tus ntsujplig, nqa dej thiab zaub mov los thiab tsa koj kom tsim, kom koj thiaj tsis nqhis dej thiab tshaib plab ntxiv lawm. Thaum koj qaug zog thiab thaum koj pib tsis muaj kev cia siab rau lub ntiaj teb no, tsis txhob poob siab, tsis txhob quaj. Vajtswv Tus Uas Muaj Hwj Chim Loj Kawg Nkaus, tus Saib Xyuas, yuav puag nkaus thaum lub sij hawm koj tig rov qab los. Nws yeej saib ntsoov ntawm koj ib sab, tos rawv koj tig rov qab los. Nws tos ntsoov rau hnub uas koj nco tsim dheev los: uas yog thaum koj ras dheev tias koj yeej yog los ntawm Vajtswv los, tsuas yog muaj ib lub caij koj tau yuam kev lawm xwb, tsuas yog muaj ib lub caij koj tau feeb tsis meej ntawm txoj kev lawm xwb, thiab tsuas yog muaj ib lub caij koj tsis paub nrhiav ib “leej txiv” lawm xwb; thaum koj ras dheev tias Tus Uas Muaj Hwj Chim Loj Kawg Nkaus yeej saib ntsoov, tos ntsoov tau ntev heev los lawm kom koj tig rov qab los. Nws kub siab lug saib ntsoov, tos ntsoov tab sis tsis muaj leej twg teb. Qhov Nws tos ntsoov ntawd muaj nqis tshaj txhua yam nqi, thiab yog ib qho zoo rau tib neeg lub siab thiab tib neeg tus ntsujplig. Tej zaum txoj kev saib ntsoov no kuj yuav muaj mus tsis paub kawg, thiab tej zaum nws kuj yog qhov kawg lawm thiab. Tab sis koj yeej paub zoo tias tam sim no koj lub siab thiab koj tus ntsujplig nyob qhov twg lawm tiag.

Xaiv tawm los ntawm Txoj Lus Tshwm Hauv Lub Cev Nqaij Daim Tawv

God Is Seeking Your Heart and Your Spirit


Humanity’s strayed from the Almighty’s provision. They don’t know why they live, but still fear death. Without help or support, they still won’t close their eyes. They live an ignoble life, no sense of their own souls. You live without hope, like others, without aim. It’s said the Holy One will save those who suffer and long for His coming. This has never come true in the unconscious ones, but people yearn for it still. The Almighty has mercy for those who suffer deeply, and He’s fed up with them who lack consciousness. For He has to wait too long for man’s answer. He seeks your heart and spirit, He’ll give you food and water, awaken your heart and spirit, quench your thirst and hunger.


When you feel the world’s cold or you’re weary, don’t cry or be lost. Almighty God, the Watcher, will embrace your return. He watches by your side, waits for you to turn around, hoping you’ll see that you came from God, that you lost direction, lost consciousness, acquiring a “father” at some unknown time, and the Almighty has always watched over you, waiting so long for your return. He’s been watching, waiting for a reply, but no answer. His standing watch is priceless, for the sake of man’s heart and spirit. He may watch forever, perhaps it’s at an end. But you should know now where your heart and spirit are. The Almighty has mercy for those who suffer deeply, and He’s fed up with them who lack consciousness. For He has to wait too long for man’s answer. He seeks your heart and spirit, He’ll give you food and water, awaken your heart and spirit, quench your thirst and hunger.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Saib ntxiv

Tej kev puas tsuaj tab tom tshwm sim ib yam zuj zus tuaj. Tus Tswv twb los rau hauv qhov kev zais npog ua ntej txoj kev txom nyem loj tshaj plaws lawm. Koj puas paub tias yuav tos txais Nws li cas? Txhob me siab hu rau peb los nrhiav qhov kev tos txais no.

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