Peb zoo siab txais tos txhua tus neeg nrhiav uas tos ntsoov Vajtswv qhov kev tshwm sim!
Qhov Dhau Los: 136 Vim Li Cas Kuv Thiaj Li Xav nyob Nrog Vajtswv Txhua Hnub
Ntxiv Mus: test
Tej kev puas tsuaj tab tom tshwm sim ib yam zuj zus tuaj. Tus Tswv twb los rau hauv qhov kev zais npog ua ntej txoj kev txom nyem loj tshaj plaws lawm. Koj puas paub tias yuav tos txais Nws li cas? Txhob me siab hu rau peb los nrhiav qhov kev tos txais no.
Christianity and The Church of Almighty God believe in the same God. People who understand the history of religion know that Judaism in...
In 1995, the work of testifying to the kingdom gospel of Almighty God formally began in Mainland China. Through our gratitude to God and...
Like the churches of Christianity, The Church of Almighty God came into existence because of the work of God become flesh. The churches of...
When mankind was corrupted by Satan, God began His management plan for the salvation of mankind. God has carried out three stages of work...